UNLV Anthropology


Where & When to Submit?

All artworks should be submitted using the Submission Page before Feb 25, 2025, at 11:59 pm, and if you need to submit a physical piece, you can then bring it to the Anthropology office until Feb 26.

What Formats and Specs Can Digital Photos be Submitted?

Photographs should be submitted in TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format with a minimum size of 1920 pixels on the longest side.

How Many Pieces Can I Enter?

Students can submit up to 2 pieces of original artwork (Each submission will need to be submitted separately).

How to Submit Non-Photographs?

Drawings and paintings should be submitted physically at the Anthropology Department office, including a digital photograph from the front (TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format with a minimum size of 1920 pixels on the longest side).

Mixed media and sculptures should be submitted in physical format to the Anthropology Department, including digital photographs from 4 different angles (TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format with a minimum size of 1920 pixels on the longest side).

Submission Guidelines

“Woven Fragments of the Past”– My work titled Woven Fragments of the Past is a picture that I took when I traveled to San Andres Islas, Colombia. I visited a restaurant that had a large display of woven baskets; each a different size, shape, color, and design. It reminded me about how our cultural past is embedded in our surroundings, even if we don’t realize it. Culture is everywhere and you cannot escape it. This work relates to cultural anthropology because it is a physical representation of the impermanence of life, and yet because of that customs, traditions, values, and people are able to evolve.